The grandkids were here over the weekend. We decided on “fun pancakes” for Sunday morning breakfast. …. Let the little “Picasso’s” use their imagination.
Prepare pancake batter according to box directions (or make your own, sorry that recipe is not included)
Divide and color with food coloring.

Place batter in squeeze bottles. I purchased restaurant mustard bottles so we could make designs. (Kavanaugh Restaurant Supply)
Squeeze out your design, fill in and cook.
HINTS: If you have little ones and prefer not to do it do directly in a warm pan on the stove top. Take the cold pan and put it on the counter or table. Have the little one squeeze their “masterpiece” then place the creation on the stove to cook. This worked great for our three year old. The 13 and 9 year old were fine with a hot pan.
Cut down the top of one bottles to create a bigger opening. Useful for the plain-fill-in color.
Reminder: WRITE BACKWARDS! So you can read once flipped—-yup learned that one the hard way-Tee Hee.
Have FUN —- We certainly did!