Late summer and the cucumbers are fresh from the farmers market.

Back in the day my mother-in-law, Nancy, used to make the creamiest cucs & onions. It was always my favorite summer dish.
While I was at the market this morning, picking out some cucumbers, it dawned on me that I had her recipe tucked away with some of my other favorite “old time” recipes.
Here is the recipe she shared with me:
Nancy’s Creamy Cucumbers
- 2 large cucumbers
- 1 average size red onion
- 8 oz real sour cream
- 1 Tbls vinegar (Nancy used regular, I prefer Vom Foss herbal)
- 1/4 cup sugar (I use raw brown organic)
- Lawry’s salt
- Fresh ground pepper, to taste
Peel then thinly slice cucumbers. Thinly slice red onion. Combine. Salt, toss and leave to drain for at least 1 hour in colander over a bowl a t room temperature.
Meanwhile, combine sour cream, vinegar, sugar and pepper. Set aside or refrigerate until ready to add cucs and onions.
Once cucumbers and onions have drained and to sauce. Chill for at least an hour or eat once combined if you like them at room temp. Me? I prefer the chilled method. Yum.
Hope you enjoy!